A fundamental, independent, Baptist College located in the Greater Baltimore Maryland area for the sole purpose of training the next generation of pastors, missionaries and church leaders.
SureWord Baptist College is a religious educational institution operating in the State of Maryland pursuant to an exemption granted by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, without a certificate of approval from the Commission, as specified in the Code of Maryland Regulations 13.B.02.04
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SureWord Baptist College
SWBC Video

We the members of Calvary Baptist Church strongly embrace our Savior's command to evangelize the world and teach believers. Our understanding of Matthew 28:19 and 20 compels us to launch out into the deep and embrace this endeavor.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
“Teaching them to observe all things...” is a broad but weighty responsibility. To accomplish this task, we feel that those preparing for ministry need more than the regularly scheduled church services. SureWord Baptist College is our effort to fulfill this command.
Our Purpose
Our staff is made up of men and women who walk with God and have decades of ministry experience.
Staff and Faculty
Senior Administrator
Pastor Shiflett was saved 1976 at the age of four. He grew up in a preacher’s home, serving with his parents in Samoa and Hawaii during the '80's. He surrendered to preach in July of 1993. He served with his family in South Africa, then in South Carolina. He has been the Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Dundalk, Maryland since the summer of 2014.
Pastor Stacey Shiflett
Bro. Leto was saved in 1973, surrendered to preach in 1974 and graduated from Bible College in 1988. He started a church and served in several different churches in Florida in the 90's. He pastored in Salisbury, Maryland for 17 years. He and his wife, Marsha joined the staff of Calvary Baptist Church in 2023.
Carlo Leto

Assistant Pastor
Bro. Brian Birner was saved in 1999 and surrendered to preach in 2001. He served as a missionary to the seamen in the ports of Baltimore for a number of years in the early 2000’s and as a pastor in Wisconsin for nearly a decade. He has been on staff at Calvary Baptist Church since 2020.
Brian Birner

We only use the King James Bible in the pulpit and classroom. We do not allow, endorse or promote modern translations.
To train the next generation of old fashioned, fundamental, independent Baptist pastors, missionaries and church workers.
We believe in the importance of practical and hands-on training. The classroom is only a small part of preparation for ministry.
We still sing the sacred old hymns and have soul-stirring choirs and congregational singing. We reject all CCM, Bethel and Hillsong music.
We still teach reverence and holiness. We reject the modern trends of blurring the lines between the genders as well as the acceptance of a casual and worldly brand of Christianity.